Monday, March 14, 2011

The Tea Party Is Late To The Party Once Again

Cries of socialism, with the right and the Tea Party goofs leading it, decry the redistribution of wealth they state the Democrats are pushing for is simply nonsense. Their fear of the redistribution of wealth began in earnest during Ronald Reagan's presidency. We no longer have to worry about the wealth being redistributed any longer, it's already occurred.

Ronald Reagan's tax cuts and "trickle down economics" was a complete failure, unless of course you were on the receiving end of them. The middle class wasn't in this case. The past 30 years have seen the rich get richer,  the middle class shrink, and the poor got even poorer. Four hundred of the richest Americans have a combined wealth greater than 155 million citizens.

Apparently that disparity isn't enough though.

Corporations are paying about half the taxes they did 30 years ago. We were told the Reagan tax cuts to big business interests and corporations were needed to create jobs. The only problem with that is who knew the jobs would be created overseas as corporations abandoned the USA in favor of employing other countries citizens with jobs. Corporations used the tax cuts to offset the cost of moving operations and building plants on foreign soil for bigger profits and greed.

U.S. corporations are sitting on an estimated $2 trillion in cash yet politicians insist we have to continue to give them tax cuts. We were told just last December that folks making in excess of $250,000 couldn't afford a tax increase of four percent. Naturally the answer to this is in Wisconsin is to demand that these "greedy" teachers making an average salary of $45,000 take a wage cut of approximately seven percent. Scott Walker has decided they need to make a sacrifice to cover for state budget woes.

What has Walker demanded from corporations or himself to help with the budget gaps?

Has anyone seen where he's cutting his own wages and benefits? He's already signed several bills giving even more tax cuts to businesses and corporations. We give more tax cuts to the people most responsible for creating the economic mess we're in. What have corporations done to spur the economy, other than sit on a hoard of cash and pay themselves bonuses, with essentially our tax dollars? What sacrifices have they made?

The teachers in Wisconsin were willing to give in to wage and benefit concessions demands by Walker. They just didn't want to lose collective bargaining rights. What have the wealthiest in our nation given up?

Our nation has a population of approximately 310 million people. The Republicans would like to keep us on the same course so that the wealthiest 400 people in our country have a combined wealth that exceeds the rest of the citizens. That's the true redistribution of wealth that is occurring.

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