Today we can send a message today to Scott Walker and the GOP of Wisconsin, and the nation for that matter.
My fervent hope is a Kloppenburg victory over Prosser for WI Supreme Court.
My day will begin about 8:00 am with voting myself, along with ensuring anyone who needs a ride to a polling location gets one. I, along with a few friends will be in public areas and businesses spreading the word to all we see out and about to vote. (At least until we're asked to leave said business areas, which we expect to happen, quite frankly.) But, we're going to do it, to get the word out. We're going to be working the phones as well.
Despite the support we've garnered Spring time elections are notorious for low voter turnout. While I believe the turnout will be higher than normal, will it be enough? Democrats have been notorious for lack of organization in the past when compared to republican efforts. I've seen a definite improvement with the issues we face in Wisconsin. I'm hoping it's enough.
No matter the outcome we'll still have much work to do. Today's vote and voter turnout will be an indication of how much work will be in store for us. Win or lose it's not over.
We still have 7 republican recall efforts to complete. We then have to pour our hearts, souls, and money into getting them out of office.
We still have a disgrace of a governor to recall next winter.
If we win today take a moment to celebrate and bask in the moment. But all we'll have is a moment, for the republicans will really ramp up efforts as we go on to the next process. There's going to be much to do to counter their efforts.
If we lose today don't let the result dishearten you. It'll be an indication of how hard this process truly is going to be. While my resolve is very strong my pledge, win or lose, is a resolve that will only get stronger.
We're right, Walker is wrong, no matter today's outcome. Even an ouster of Prosser will not sway Walker one bit. The key and ultimate victory is getting him and his ilk out of office and ensuring they never again get into office.
Simply put, we have much to do. It's not going to get any easier.
Get involved.
Stay involved.
Get Wisconsin back into the people's hands.
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