Jennifer Shilling, a resident of La Crosse, has chosen to run against Dan Kapanke in the upcoming recall election.
She's currently serving her 5th term as the State Representative for the 95th Assembly District. I believe she's a wise choice to face and oust Dan Kapanke from office.
She has a website which can be located here. At this time it's a bare bones site with a home page, a bio page, and a contribute/volunteer page.
I'm hoping there are plans in the works to expand upon the website for maximum exposure and a great more detail. The use of social media will play a great part in this election, but not the only part.
A few of the things I'd like to see listed on the website are as follows:
1) Campaign headquarter address and phone number(s). While the use of social media is going to be crucial supporters need to know these things. There are people who don't have access to the internet/social networks and this information needs listed for people who can walk in from the street to donate time as volunteers as needed and for political contributions. Let us help get this information out to people who are not on the internet.
2) On the contribute/volunteer page the physical campaign address needs to be listed for people who would prefer to mail or drop off political contributions. We have a lot of national support and I believe more money would be obtained by showing where it can be sent. There is a significant portion of the population who hesitate to carry out financial transaction over a computer. (I'm actually one of those people.) The page also asks for volunteers, with what a person is willing to volunteer to do. The page should also show what the campaign needs people to volunteer for, rather than just simply asking for volunteers.
Money is going to be important. Corporations and outside GOP interests are going to pour money into keeping a walking and talking ethical violation in Dan Kapanke in office.
3) The website should have an events page showing where rallies and campaign activities are going to take place throughout the district.
4) Show us and keep us up to date on what activities in Jennifer's current job as the State Representative for the 95th Assembly District she's doing for the middle class in Wisconsin. List (hopefully upcoming) endorsements from teachers and media. Favorable press clippings and media stories should be prominently displayed on the website.
Jennifer is just ramping up her campaign right now. Perhaps many of the things listed above are in the works and intended to be shown. I'd certainly like to believe so anyway.
I also urge all supporters on Twitter to follow @jenshillingwi and also urge her campaign to consider the points I've listed above. We need detailed and up to date information at our disposal to help win this thing.
Ha, found you. And following. Also sent my son your link here. He's started a blog and sounds a lot like you. Miss your other blog, but I'm glad I found you. Yeah, it's my great detective skills. :)
Do not, do not, do not allow Wisconsin to become a right to work state. I live in a right to work state and believe me, it sucks! In fact Utah is pretty much the model of what Scotty the Walker wants to make your state in to. Corporations and religion has all the say and everyone else better shut up and take it! Keep pushing! You have no clue how demonized you all are here in Utah so that tells me you're winning!
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