Monday, March 21, 2011

We're Tired Of It

As the fight continues in Wisconsin to protect middle class worker rights the social media circus continues, especially on Twitter.

Teacher bashing is in vogue apparently. Many of the negative tweets come from Tea Party trolls outside of Wisconsin. The Tea Party has been a bust from the get go. Remember when the economy tanked and the government bailed out Corporations, Banks, and Insurance giants deemed "too big to fail?" They were all up in arms about their tax dollars being used in this fashion.

It did them little good as the government just kept on bailing out the banks and corporations. Bitterness and defeat set in for the Tea Party movement and now they've directed their attacks on the middle class. The targets of their wrath is now teachers, social workers, firefighters, police, and clerical people in state governments.

We're tired of a Tea Party movement who now has targeted the middle class as demons because they failed to go after the real culprits of the downfall of our economy. The banks and corporations brought our economy to its knees. Instead of holding them responsible the logical step, to the Tea Party, is to attack the middle class.

We're tired of teachers being demeaned in Wisconsin. We appreciate our teachers, their efforts, and the importance of education in Wisconsin. That's our right and our choice. It's our state, not yours. If you don't see the value in education and adequate compensation for teachers in your state that's your business. That's not how we see it in Wisconsin, and the polls show it.

We're tired of politicians who don't follow rules, procedures, and defy open meeting laws.

We're tired of a Governor who is unwilling to compromise when every wage and benefit concession asked for has been agreed to, yet still demands to take away collective bargaining rights. Scott Walker never once mentioned, nor campaigned on taking away bargaining rights prior to being elected. We're tired of his bullshit.

We're tired of a Governor who flies around the state under the guise of meeting and talking with constituents, but really only meets with his supporters, a minority of the population. Many of his meetings and functions are closed events to the general public. He has no interest in truly listening to the people in Wisconsin. He talks to a small gathering of supporters and the media inside a building, while outside, the people who oppose him, and are a much larger gathering than inside, are allowed no entrance or voice.

We're tired of a Governor who puts corporations and big business interests ahead of the middle class.  These same banks and corporations who brought down our economy are now reaping record profits and paying out generous bonuses, at the expense of the middle class, who bailed their greedy asses out.

We're tired of a Governor who takes a phone call from what he thought was David Koch and shows his disdain for the working middle class. We're tired of a Governor who isn't smart enough to realize that it was a prank phone call but still stated that he wanted to insert troublemakers into a peaceful protest and showed glee at an offer to vacation in California with a corporate buddy once he busted the unions.

We're tired of the systematic dismantling of the middle class who now have to pay the price of corporate greed and mismanagement. We're tired of a system who feels justice has to be paid by the middle class rather than bringing to justice the criminals who wrecked the economy.

While we're tired of it, we're not going to become the bitter, ineffectual, and misguided movement the Tea Party has become.  We're not going to tuck our tails between our legs and allow our Governor and republicans make teachers out to be the scapegoats and villains. We're tired of the Tea Party trolls who have now become unwitting and unknowing shills for the corporations, the very people responsible for ruining the economy.

We're tired of it that banks, insurance companies, and corporations have become the De Facto 4th branch of the government and pull the majority of the strings, because they happen to have the purse strings to do so.

We're tired of the mess you've created Scott Walker. But don't fret, while we're definitely tired of you, our efforts are tireless in recall efforts for your 8 buddies now. I suspect next winter you'll get to see the tireless effort to remove you as well, because we're tired of it.

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